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Scott and Donna are both second-generation missionaries. Donna was born in Pennsylvania. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland and Elizabeth Connery surrendered to God's calling them into foreign missions in the early 1970s. And, along with her three siblings, she and her family arrived in Paraguay in January of 1978. While they lived in Filadelfia, Paraguay, their work was further in the interior. With the Manjui (Mahn-who-ee) people group who lived in the "Gran Chaco."

Scott's Testimony


My testimony begins with my dad's testimony. Soon after becoming a born-again believer in 1964, he surrendered to God's calling him to preach and eventually into foreign missions.


Meanwhile, mom, too, was saved. We began having family devotions, where my siblings and I, daily, heard and learned the familiar Bible stories.


During one of our devotions when I was eight years old. I learned and understood that I was a condemned sinner, destined for a place called hell. That God loved the world and gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, who gave himself for our sins.


I also understood that day that God didn't want anyone to go to hell, but that all come to repentance and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!


I told dad that I didn't want to go to hell when I die. And he and I left the kitchen table and went to his and mom's bedroom. We knelt at their bed, and I asked God to forgive me of my sin, and I asked Jesus to come into my heart and be my personal Saviour.

Donna's Testimony


When I was eight years old while attending a children’s bible club, I learned about heaven and hell and that everyone was sinners, including me. I heard the glorious story of Jesus and His sacrifice at Calvary for the whole world.


One Sunday morning, I asked my teacher how I could go to heaven. She took me into another classroom, and lovingly explained to me from the Bible how that I too could be saved if I only believed in Jesus. And I did just that. I asked God to forgive me for my sin, and by faith, I accepted Jesus as my Saviour.

  • "Go into the city" Ac. 9:6.

  • "Preach the gospel" Mk. 16:15.

  • "Go out into the highways and hedges" Lu. 14:23.

  • "Compel them to come in" Lu. 14:23.

  • "Teaching them to observe all things" Mt. 28:20.


  • Start over in the next towns ... Mk. 1:38.


       As the Lord directs!


Our foremost endeavor is to help people come to Jesus Christ for salvation. The Bible tells us that our sin separates us from God. And for this very reason, He gave the world His Son, Jesus, who came to this earth, lived a sinless life, and willingly bore everyone's sin upon himself and died in our place. He then rose from the dead and is faithful to forgive and willing to save whosoever will place their faith in him and his sacrifice for us!


There are nearly thirteen thousand people in our community, with 50.3% being women and 49.7% men. Twenty-two percent of our community population is under the age of fourteen. Though there are several religions scattered throughout our community, Catholicism is the predominant religion.


By request, the following video is a brief example of some regular day-to-day aspects of our ministry, including both ministry and personal.


Bonus: There's an extra clip at the end, where we introduce a most unusual visitor!

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