Hello, Pastor and fellow laborers in Christ,
Indeed we have much to give thanks unto the Lord. And we're grateful for the blessing of "making known his deeds among the people."
Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic this year has had a significant impact on each of us somehow. Each time a case came to our knowledge, we joined with everyone praying for God's divine intervention. We were saddened with the families of those who experience losing a loved one to the virus. And rejoice with those whose family member was suddenly "absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
We can't help but thank you all for praying for our family through these times of uncertainty! We've had family members who contracted the virus, and, praise the Lord, by God's grace, they have fully recuperated. As for the economic affects of these past months, we pray you all are experiencing God's tending to your circumstance. And we asked that you pray with us as we strive to recover the loss of an airfare we had purchased just before the epidemic. We've heard testimonies of others who contended with the same predicament and received a full refund for their's. But, thus far, that's not been the case for ours. Nevertheless! We love God and trust he is working all things together for his glory. Amen!
It's been very encouraging to experience God's bountiful mercy in our lives and the lives of the people he has graciously blessed us with. As for the virus among our church folk, all is well here. For now, praise the Lord! We ask that you pray with us, though, for the spiritual warfare that we continuously confront. Our "adversary the devil" relentlessly continues, "seeking whom he may devour." And though we strive to "faint not," and though our outward circumstances tend to be wearisome, we are so glad "the inward man is renewed day by day." Hallelujah! "To Him, be glory forever!"
Praise the Lord with us on our daughters behalf-Elizabeth. As you can imagine, the COVID pandemic has changed and continues changing our way of life. And that she's experiencing these college changes. Her schooling is returning to some of its usual schedules, and she is engaging her regular routines. And she has exciting news! God has given her a scholarship this year! That was, "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!" What a God we serve!
Thank you for your faithfulness on our behalf!
Scott and Donna and Elizabeth Allen,
Your MWBM missionaries in Joinville, Brazil